Full Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song In Korean, English and Hindi (2025)

Check out the full lyrics of “Red Light Green Light" in Squid Game Doll Song in original Korean and English, Hindi meanings.

Full Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song In Korean, English and Hindi (1)
Full Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song In Korean, English

What’s the song that Doll sings in Korean in Squid Game?

Red Light Green Light Squid Game in Korean Lyrics” from Squid Game represents the Korean Music Ensemble. The name of the song is RedLight Greenlight Game.

The doll in the Squid Game says 무궁화 꼬찌 피엇 소리다 (Mugunghwa Kkoci Pieot Seumnida) which means Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!. This is a very interesting game where the price os losing the game is death.

In challenge number one of “The Squid Game”, called “Red Light, Green Light”, you can hear the giant puppet singing: “We will play, give the green light”After that it remains silent and the competitors who ran must stop and remain immobile; However, one of them, signed with the number 324, is unable to keep balance and is moving.

The doll reportedly says: “무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다” (mugunghwa kkochi piotsseumnida), which can be roughly translated to “the Hibiscus flower has bloomed” – referring to the National flower of Korea.

During the game, we see the giant robot doll standing at the head of a group of contestants next to a tree. As the doll turns its back, the players can move towards the doll.

However, when the doll spins around to face the players, the contestants must freeze immediately, or they risk getting fatally shot.

The lyrics of the squid game Red Light Green Light are provided below.

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Lyrics of "Red Light Green Light" in Squid Game Doll Song

Red Light Green Light Squid Game in Korean Lyrics” from Squid Game represents the Korean Music Ensemble. The name of the song is RedLight Greenlight Game. The dolsl in the game says 무궁화 꼬찌 피엇 소리다 (Mugunghwa Kkoci Pieot Seumnida) which means Red Light.

Aaja khele green light red light

Ye khel hai nirala

Aaja khele green light red light

Ye khel hai nirala

Aaja khele green light red light

Ye khel hai nirala

Aaja khele green light red light

Ye khel hai nirala

Aaja khele green light red light

Ye khel hai nirala

Aaja khele green light red light

Ye khel hai nirala

Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song in Original Korean

무궁화 꼬찌 피엇 소리다

무궁화 꼬찌 피엇 소리다

무궁화 꼬찌 피엇 소리다

무궁화 꼬찌 피엇 소리다

Squid Game Korean Meaning in English

Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!

Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!

Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!

Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!

Full Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song In Korean, English and Hindi (3)

What is the Doll's name?

According to a report on the Korean forum, Dcinside, the doll’s name is Mugunghwa, named in relation to the game. However, this has yet to be confirmed.

The doll is actually a real artifact residing in a horse carriage village in Jincheon County in Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea.

The show borrowed the doll for the nail-biting scene and has since returned to its rightful place in the village.

Watch Video Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song:


Game is Red light, green light. Giant robotic girl standing near large field and snipers at the ready, gunshots echo across the playing field for anyone who can’t keep up. Primarily the participants need to get from point A to point B during green light. When it’s red light though, if anyone moves then they’re eliminated.


Brown guilty eyes and little white lies

Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew

That you talked to her, maybe did even worse

I kept quiet so I could keep you

And ain’t it funny

How you ran to her

The second that we called it quits?

And ain’t it funny

How you said you were friends?

Now it sure as hell don’t look like it

You betrayed me

And I know that you’ll never feel sorry

For the way I hurt, yeah

You talked to her

When we were together

Loved you at your worst

But that didn’t matter

It took you two weeks

To go off and date her

Guess you didn’t cheat

But you’re still a traitor

Now you bring her around

Just to shut me down

Show her off like she’s a new trophy

And I know if you were true

There’s no damn way that you

Could fall in love with somebody that quickly

Ain’t it funny

All the twisted games

All the questions you used to avoid?

Ain’t it funny?

Remember I brought her up

And you told me I was paranoid

You betrayed me

And I know that you’ll never feel sorry

For the way I hurt, yeah

You talked to her

When we were together

Loved you at your worst

But that didn’t matter

It took you two weeks

To go off and date her

Guess you didn’t cheat

But you’re still a traitor

God, I wish that you had thought this through

Before I went and fell in love with you

When she’s sleeping in the bed we’d made

Don’t you dare forget about the way

You betrayed me

‘Cause I know that you’ll never feel sorry

For the way I hurt, yeah

You talked to her

When we were together

You gave me your word

But that didn’t matter

It took you two weeks

To go off and date her

Guess you didn’t cheat

But you’re still

You’re still a traitor

Yeah, you’re still a traitor

God, I wish that you had thought this through

Before I went and fell in love with you

Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song in Hindi

आजा खेले ग्रीन लाइट रेड लाइट

ये खेल है निराला

आजा खेले ग्रीन लाइट रेड लाइट

ये खेल है निराला

आजा खेले ग्रीन लाइट रेड लाइट

ये खेल है निराला

आजा खेले ग्रीन लाइट रेड लाइट

ये खेल है निराला

आजा खेले ग्रीन लाइट रेड लाइट

ये खेल है निराला

आजा खेले ग्रीन लाइट रेड लाइट

ये खेल है निराला

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Full Lyrics of Squid Game Doll Song In Korean, English and Hindi (2025)
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